Family Resources

Our team helps families and caregivers through the evaluation process and provides resources to help you best care for your child.

Receiving an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis for your child often can be a confusing time. It takes time to understand and accept the diagnosis and how it may affect your family. Please know that you are not alone. Our Autism Program staff can help your family navigate through the diagnosis process and access resources. Some of the Autism Program’s support services include:

  • Outpatient therapy sessions
  • Caregiver education
  • Behavioral parent training services
  • Books and educational materials

In addition, the Johns Hopkins All Children’s Family Resource Center Library has books, brochures and online resources, along with librarians who can help you find the information you need. Through support, education and a team approach that includes the family, we can help you make informed treatment choices and be an advocate for your child.

Helpful Resources

We recognize families need reliable information on ASD. That's why our team collected a few of our favorite resources to share with patients and families. These resources are regularly updated. Please consult our team with any questions that you have related to them.
  • The National Professional Development Center

    Find helpful ASD resources and information on how to plan, implement and monitor evidence-based practices.

  • Autism Navigator

    Autism Navigator can be a helpful resource for families who suspect their child has autism spectrum disorders. Find video illustrations of evidence-based intervention techniques that can be implemented in everyday activities to support a child’s learning as soon as autism is suspected. Also get information on the early signs of autism and how it can impact development.

  • First 100 Days Kit

    Find helpful information on caring for a child with autism spectrum disorders.

  • The Center for Autism & Related Disabilities

    The Center for Autism & Related Disabilities (CARD) at University of South Florida is a community-based project that provides information and consultation to individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders and related disabilities. CARD-USF offers instruction and coaching to families and professionals through a training and assistance model.

  • National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

    Learn how to best detect signs of autism and find causes, symptoms, treatment options and more.

  • The Centers for Disease Control “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” campaign

    Find information on your child's development and milestones for playing, learning, speaking, acting and moving.

  • Autism Speaks

    Autism Speaks promotes solutions, across the spectrum, for all ASD needs. Find resources in your area.

  • Autism Society

    The Autism Society helps those with autism find the right opportunities for employment.

  • TEACCH Autism Program

    TEACCH Autism Program conducts training nationally and internationally and provides consultation for teachers, residential care providers and other professionals from a variety of disciplines.